Making Cities Meaningful
How do urban dwellers and workers derive a sense of meaning and purpose from the places where they live and work?
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project introduction
The Meaningful Cities project aims to better understand how urban dwellers and workers derive a sense of meaning and purpose from the places where they live and work.
It will do this by theorising and testing system-level elements of an infrastructure of meaningfulness.
areas of interest
Meaningful lives and work
Smart and sustainable
Equality and inclusion
Participation and voice
Governance and leadership
Learn more about the project
Read more about meaningful cities and our aims and objectives for the project.
project team
Dr. Ruth Yeoman
Principal Investigator
Dr Ruth Yeoman is a Fellow of Kellogg College, University of Oxford and Associate Professor of Business Ethics, Northumbria University. She researches the ethics and practices of meaningfulness and mutuality in work, organisations and systems. Read more…
Dr. Marc Thompson
Dr Marc Thompson is a Senior Fellow in Strategy and Organzation at Saïd Buiness School, University of Oxford and Governing Body Fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford. He researches organisational change and leadership.
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